How to Figure Out Your Ring Size

Ideally, you’ll want the ring to fit perfectly when you propose. However, if you’re planning to surprise her, you may not want to ask her what her ring size is outright. So, your other option is to get sneaky.
Perhaps detective work isn’t your forte, but luckily for you, there are some great ways to go about figuring out her ring size as she remains none the wiser.
Borrow from her collection
This is the most accurate way to figure out her size. If she wears a lot of different rings, she likely won’t notice if you borrow one from her collection. Bring it to a jeweler, and they will be able to easily check what size it is. Just make sure that the ring you take is one that she wears on her ring finger, rather than any others. A ring she wears on a different finger will be a different size, and therefore won’t be the correct size for her left ring finger.
Trace a ring
If you’re not comfortable taking a ring from her jewelry collection, you can trace the inside of the ring onto a piece of paper and use that to determine the size. Make sure the pencil reaches all the way out to the inner shape of the ring in order to get the most accurate reference.
Use a string
If she doesn’t typically wear rings, or if she doesn’t ever take off the ones she does wear, you aren’t out of luck! You can use a string or ribbon to measure her ring finger. Unless you can find a good excuse to wrap a string around her finger, you’ll need to do this while she’s asleep. (Hopefully, she’s a heavy sleeper!) Make a mark on the string with a pen, then another where the string meets that mark after you wrap it around her finger.
Ask a trusted source
Whether or not you intend to ask her parents for permission to propose, you may need to alert them of your plans. If you’re otherwise unable to figure out her ring size, asking her family may be your only option. Likely, her parents have bought her jewelry in the past, so they will likely be able to help.
If you don’t want to involve her family, asking her best friend is another option. She may not know immediately, but she can surreptitiously find out. An offhanded “Oh, that’s a pretty ring, can I try it on? What size is your finger?” may be just what you need.
However you intend to figure out her ring size, we wish you the best of luck! If you’re still looking for the perfect engagement ring, feel free to browse our rings online, or stop in to see what we have. We know you’ll pick something amazing!