Matt & Alyssa

While attending the 2019 Fete en Blanc event in Long's Park Lancaster, PA, both Matt and Alyssa required a visit to the Wegman's across the street to restock their alcohol.
While in the checkout line on this very hot June day, Alyssa noticed Matt, also dressed in all white and therefore must be attending the Fete en Blanc as well, holding chilled bottles of wine. Realizing that would be a better selection than the room temp bottles she picked up while sprinting through the store, she sparked a conversation with Matt. His gentlemanly nature offered Alyssa to keep her spot in line while he replaced her selection with chilled white wine.
This gesture of kindness was very much appreciated and an offer to hop in Alyssa's Uber back to the party was accepted. Back at Long's Park, the two sipped on their chilled white wine, chatted all evening and bounced back and forth from the dance floor to their tables.
The band's grand finale was the moment. As soon as Alyssa leaned in for a first kiss, fireworks and streamers exploded from the stage.
No, this isn't the closing script to a rom-com, but the very real story of how these two crazy kids met.